Forced Alliance Pilot Demo -------------------------- Welcome to the Forced Alliance Pilot Demo, DirectX 5.0 Download Version! This download contains a reduced version 1.4 of the Pilot Demo. All the cinematic sequences (events, walkthroughs, takeoffs) and many voice elements (the briefing) have been eliminated from this download version. There are three distinct demos available on CD-ROM -- Pilot, Commander, and Captain, highlighting features of the game. These demos contain voices, cinematics, and extended features. The minimum configuration for this game is a 486DX 100Mhz machine with 16Meg RAM, sound card, mouse, Windows 95, and a 640x480 256-color graphics card. If you have a 3D Accelerator card with 4Meg+ memory, read the section on 3D Hardware Acceleration to configure the game to use these cards. These cards can be configured in the game by going to Main->Settings->Graphics. Starting the Demonstration -------------------------- Before starting the demonstration, you should make sure you have DirectX 5.0 installed. Should you get an Aptos/DirectX alert message at startup, you should definitely complete this step before continuing. Many websites provide copies of DirectX 5.0 for installation. The Forced Alliance demonstration requires no special installation. We have designed this demonstration specifically to run directly from the unzipped image. The game will create a few temporary files in the root of your C: drive that are removed immediately upon completion. The files are sequentially named starting with "rcg0001.jnk" and will not overwrite existing files of the same name. To start the demo, run "FADEMO.EXE" and select "Pilot Demo". 3D Hardware Acceleration ------------------------ Forced Alliance takes advantage of 3D Accelerator Graphic Cards with 4Meg or better memory! What you will get includes 16-bit textures, gouraud-shading, and more! When you are ready to launch a mission, select the "Settings" group under "Main", then select the "Graphics" tab. If your graphics board has been found, it will be listed. Select it to activate this card. Not all 3D cards work the same way, so be sure set other options for... Monster/Righteous - Many recent DirectX drivers have a bug that (and other 3Dfx) causes heavy pixelation around the heads-up display and stars, rendering the display unreadable. Set the "Heads-up Display/Stars" to "Shifted" if this becomes a problem. 3D Blaster/others - Many cards do not perform smooth (gouraud) shading in Forced Alliance, leaving invisible objects in space. Set your Texture Shading mode to flat for displayable performance. 2Mb Graphic Cards - Most 2Mb cards will work in the Fast Render or Primary Display-Software modes. If you have problems starting the game, try starting from a lower Windows resolution. We also have a software-only 16-bit shaded engine. This engine replicates the visual detail with 3D cards, but uses your own processor to render the graphics. Due to the heavy graphic demands, you should definitely have a fast (200Mhz) machine for optimum performance. Joysticks --------- We have provided several joystick configuration features, including throttle control, configurable buttons, and different response curves. You can even make "Up means Up" for those uncomfortable with airplane-style controls. The response curves provide the following... Linear - A straight response from minimum to maximum. Log Low (default) - Slower center response, faster at the edges. Log High - A variation of Log Low. Sinusoidal - Slower center, fast middle, and slower at edges. Sound and Music --------------- The game music files have been arranged to work on most sound cards. Special notes are of importance to the following sound card... Gravis UltraSound - MIDI music has been optimized for 1Mb of 16-bit instrument data. Lower-capacity GUS boards will tend to lose some instruments from the optimum arrangement. Pilot Walkaround ---------------- To save download time, we have eliminated all the cinematic and most voice elements from this demo. After some still logo images, you begin in the Ready Room of your carrier, the Lafayette. Commander Canon briefs you about the game and the upcoming mission. Once you have completed the briefing, you can begin the mission by selecting the launch door on the back wall of the room. But Wait! You can browse through several command screens of the interface. This is the Pilot Rank demo, so many operations will be unavailable to you. The operations will become available to you at higher ranks. The demo has been setup with your character as Pilot Kann, in the Alpha squadron. Find your character to set up your ship's ordinance. Flight Controls --------------- Here is a more complete list of flight commands. Joystick -- Up - Nose Down (can be reversed in the Options Menu) Down - Nose Up (can be reversed in the Options Menu) Left - Left Right - Right Holding down Button-2 while moving the stick can increase your speed or roll your vehicle. The speed can be alternately controlled with the throttle wheel when you set this in the Options Menu. The buttons are user-configurable, here are the defaults... B1 - Fire Guns B2 - Speed/Roll (with stick movement) B3 - Fire Missiles B4 - Afterburner Joysticks with Hats can be used to change cockpit views. The joystick can be reconfigured in the Options menu in the walkaround game section. You can - * Use the throttle wheel (overrides all other speed control) * Reverse the meaning of up so that "up really means up!" * Try out other response curves. * Configure the buttons. Keyboard -- A - Autopilot (takes you to the next waypoint) C - Communications (use this to get landing clearance at the end of the mission!) Tab - Afterburner E - Select Enemy Targets T - Select any Target G - Select Guns M - Select Missiles Space - Fire Guns Enter - Fire Missiles (HS"Heat Seek" and RG"Radar Guided" require target lock before firing) Z - Match Target Speed H - Toggles HUD L - Toggles Radar Lock (on target) D - Damage Display S - Shield Display W - Weapon Display Arrow Keys move ship Use Ctrl Key with Arrows to roll. F1-F8 - Cockpit Views , . - Change brightness of ships. Ctrl Q- Quit the inflight portion Ctrl R- Relaunch mission Ctrl A- Abort mission Starting Missions ----------------- As a Cadet, you will be launching five training missions off of SACS. You may launch a training mission by moving to the Simulator Bay and clicking on the Simulator Pod. Once you have graduated and promoted to Pilot, you'll initiate missions by clicking on the launch doors in the Ready Room. Landing at the End of a Mission ------------------------------- To land on a carrier, select Communications ('C'), then select the the landing location. For the training missions, you will be landing at SACS. Later, you will land at the Lafayette carrier. Request permission to land, then fly to within 1500 meters, and you will land automatically. Version History --------------- Version 1.1 - Original Demo Version 1.2 - CDRom Cut, No Updates for Download Version Version 1.3 - Graphic Fixes for 3DFx, D3D Software * A workaround for a 3Dfx D3D driver bug for certain installations of 3Dfx-based cards. If you find the Stars and Heads-up display heavily pixelated or unreadable, Ctrl-A back into the walkaround mode, then set Settings-Graphics-Hud to the "Shifted" mode. * The software variant of D3D 16-bit Gouraud shaded. This requires a fast machine to run smoothly. * A fix to the human cargo/destroyer textures. The ships are gray-colored, not green. Version 1.4 - Final Cut, Fixes for Rendition, 3D-Blaster, Linear Joystick * An additional option for certain Rendition and 3D Blaster cards. On some configurations, Smooth Shading is not supported. Select Flat shading instead to allow objects to appear on these cards. * Improved Linear joystick curve. * Improved Special Effect tranlucency on many cards, especially for explosions, lasers, etc. * This demo is cut from the final version of the game, due in stores on September 22. While this version is the final cut, please notify us about any configuration issues by email at Where to find more information ------------------------------ Updated information and demos can be found on the Internet at and The Press/Media contact is Mark Shander. Mark can be reached by email at Thanks for playing! - The Forced Alliance Team Forced Alliance (C)1997 Ripcord Games and Orbital Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Forced Alliance:The Glarious Mandate is a trademark of Orbital Studios, Inc. Orbital Studios is a registered trademark of Orbital Studios, Inc.